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Working Excessively Questionnaire (WEQ) 

Download the english translation of Working Excessively Questionnaire (WEQ)

For scoring key and further information please contact prof. Władysław Jacek Paluchowski.

We kindly ask every researcher using WEQ to inform us about the results of the studies.

The Working Excessively Questionnaire is an instrument to measure the excessive workload. It includes both causes and risk factors, as well as potential consequences of this phenomenon. The final version of the questionnaire is a result of the research carried out in the years 2001-2013 (Hornowska, Paluchowski, 2007, 2013; Paluchowski, Hornowska, 2013).

The instrument consists of 65 items. Based on the results of the factor analysis and the content of individual items, we have proposed the following four scales of the Working Excessively Questionnaire:

1) Lack of Control Over Work Scale - LCWS
2) Perfectionist Working Style Scale - PWSS
3) General Opinion About Work Scale - GBWS
4) Perceived Oppressiveness of the Organization Scale – POOS

Here, we present the averages (means and standard deviations) for each scale of the polish version of WEQ (KONOP) in groups based on the basic demographic statistics (gender, education, age). Two groups were distinguished by age category: individuals in early adulthood (up to 34 years of age) and those in middle and late adulthood (older than 35 years of age). From the perspective of the realization of their professional objectives, the greatest difference exists between these two groups. In the younger group, the orientation to the development of their professional career and to acquire professional competences is dominant, whereas people in the older group are concentrated more on managing their own career. The table also presents the values of the test for significant differences between the means in the distinguished groups. Here we present the discriminant power of each scale. We analyzed the homogeneity of the scales distinguished through this method (see here). The purpose of the analysis was to determine the final reliability of the scales.

Further information about the development and validation of WEQ can be found in following publications:

Hornowska, E., & Paluchowski, W. J. (2007). Praca – skrywana obsesja. Wyniki badaÅ„ nad zjawiskiem pracoholizmu [Work - a hidden obsession. The results of studies in the workaholism phenomenon]. PoznaÅ„: Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe.

Hornowska, E., & Paluchowski, W. J. (2013). Refinement and further validation of the Working Excessively Questionnaire (WEQ). Polish Journal of Applied Psychology, 11(3), 31–52.

Paluchowski, W. J., & Hornowska, E. (2013). The Working Excessively Questionnaire (WEQ) – theoretical background. Polish Journal of Applied Psychology, 11(3), 7–30.

Paluchowski, W. J., Hornowska, E., HaÅ‚adziÅ„ski, P., & Kaczmarek, L. (2013). Adaptive or maladaptive perfectionism? Analyzing correlates of the PWSS  scale of the Working Excessively Questionnaire (WEQ). Polish Journal of Applied Psychology, 11(4), 31-52.

Paluchowski, W. J., Hornowska, E., HaÅ‚adziÅ„ski, P., & Kaczmarek, L. (2013). Causes and consequences of lack of control over work - analyzing  correlates of the LCWS scale of the Working Excessively Questionnaire  (WEQ). Polish Journal of Applied Psychology, 11(4), 7-30. 

Paluchowski, W. J., Hornowska, E., Haładziński, P., & Kaczmarek, L. (2014). Czy praca szkodzi? Wyniki badań nad kwestionariuszem nadmiernego obcišżania się pracš. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar.

Paluchowski, W. J., Hornowska, E., Haładziński, P., & Kaczmarek, L. (2014). Can Work Be Detrimental? The Working Excessively Questionnaire (WEQ): The Development and Validation. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar.

Paluchowski, W. J., Hornowska, E., Kaczmarek, L., & HaÅ‚adziÅ„ski, P. (2013). Analyzing correlates of the POOS scale of the Working Excessively  Questionnaire (WEQ). Polish Journal of Applied Psychology, 11(4), 73-93.

Paluchowski, W. J., Hornowska, E., Kaczmarek, L., & HaÅ‚adziÅ„ski, P. (2013). Analyzing correlates of the GBWS scale of the Working  Excessively  Questionnaire (WEQ). Polish Journal of Applied Psychology, 11(4), 53-72.
